A guided tour of the UK’s most sacred sites complete with energy activations and Vortex Healing® divine energy healing

September 16-21, 2024




Join a small group of likeminded souls for a li​fe-changing journey to some of the most magical ​sacred sites in the world, including Glastonb​ury, Stone Henge, Avebury and the spiritua​l kingdom known as Avalon!

More th​a​n just a tour, this trip will be a journey of recon​nection, activation and transformation.

Working​ ​with the Merlin lineage, Adam & Allison will sha​re guided VortexHealing® Group Energy Healings​, Activations and/or sacred rituals at each loc​ation, helping you connect more deeply to the a​ncient energies at each site.

Chalice Well Decorated
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Feel the Earth energies come alive at Avebury Stone Circle, tune into the inter-galactic portal at StoneHenge, knock on the hidden door to Avalon, take a secret entrance test to an ancient & noble witch lineage, trace Jesus’s footsteps as a young child, imbibe the local healing waters, connect with the area’s nature devas, faeries and more...

Glastonbury Abbey
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Visit 9 Sacred Sites

Glastonbury Tor

Glastonbury Tor

Revered as a mystical portal and a ​powerful meeting place of earth ​energies. This is where the ​legendary kingdom of Avalon ​emerges from the mists.

Visit will include a Group Vortex ​Healing® and/or healing from ​Avalon itself

Glastonbury Autumn Colours

Glillial Witch Lineage Portal

The doorway into an ancient indigenous magical lineage, that harnesses the power of prophetic intuition and healing to bring about future timeline changes.

Visit will include a Group Healing from the divine presence at the root of this lineage


Perhaps the most famous of the ​UK’s sacred sites, Stonehenge and ​it’s true function is shrouded in ​mystery. Discover it’s true purpose ​and how it continues to serve the ​planet’s evolution.

Visit will include a Group Vortex ​Healing® & working with the Earth ​energies on site

Chalice Well Decorated

Chalice Well

A sacred ancient spring connected ​to the magic of Gaia. The Chalice ​Well is a gateway to otherworldly ​realms. Its waters are infused with ​the mystical energies of this ​ancient landscape.

Visit will include on-site Group ​Vortex Healing® & working with the ​nature energies on site

Avebury Stone ​Circle

Avebury is the largest Stone Circle in ​the world, and is located in a ​landscape full of natural earth ​energetics. It also houses a sleeping ​dragon...

Visit will include a Group Vortex ​Healing® & working with the Earth ​energies on site

crop circles

Crop Circles

The area around Avebury regularly has the most crop circle sites in the world. If weather and the local farming harvesting schedule align, we will visit the latest crop circles.

Visit will include connecting to the beings that create these circles, & exploring what they would like to share with us

Mary Magdalene ​Chapel

A tranquil sanctuary, deeply ​revered as a place to connect to ​divine compassion and the sacred ​feminine. Originally built around ​1310 by the Benedictine monks of ​Glastonbury Abbey.

Visit will include a Divine Mother & ​Mary Magdalene Group Healing

Glastonbury Abbey

Glastonbury Abbey + Secret surprise

Originally built on top of local earth energetics, the Abbey feels enchanted with the sacred. It is a place steeped in history, with the presence of a sacred site here dating back thousands of years

Visit will include a Group Vortex Healing® (& a special guest)

White Well ​Immersion + White ​& Red Spring Visit

A magical temple housing two ​different healing springs, one red ​with iron, the other white with ​calcite, from the caverns beneath ​Glastonbury Tor.

Visit will include a Group Vortex ​Healing® & the nature devas ​guarding the springs

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Your Guides


A UK native, Adam grew up immersed in the stories of Avalon and is deeply familiar with all of these sacred sites.

As an advanced (Magical Jewel) level Vortex Healer® with strong sensing abilities, Adam will be your main guide at the Sacred Sites, helping the group tune into different energy points, leading group healings and bridging in energies of ancient spirits, nature beings and more.


With a passion for exploring and life-long psychic gifts, Allison is a gifted channel, Jewel level Vortex Healer® and yoga & meditation teacher.

Allison will be guiding Yoga, assisting with group healings, leading fire-side chats and integration activities, as well as offering 1:1 support and assistance along the way.

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Avebury Stone Ring
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Arrival (anytime after 5:30pm)

Open evening for a soft landing

Dinner out to a local pub (& we’ll make a fire in the fireplace if you want to cozy up)

September 17th

Official first day


Opening Circle

Tour of the Glastonbury Tor, Door to Avalon & Group Vortex Healing®


Magdalene Chapel & Group Healing

Yin Yoga


Fire Ceremony Ritual

September 18th

Lucia N°03 Light Activation


Visit to Glillial Witch Lineage Portal & Group Healing


Chalice Well Visit & Group Vortex Healing®

White Well Immersion + White & Red Spring Visit + Group Vortex Healing®


Evening Tea & Social Time

September 19th



Tour of Stonehenge & Group Vortex Healing® & Meditation


Tour of Avebury & Group Vortex Healing® & Meditation including:

Silbury Hill, National Trust Museum & Nearby Crop Circles (weather permitting and if fields haven’t been harvested yet)


Evening Social Time/Yoga Nidra/Sound Healing (depending on group flow)

September 20th



Glastonbury Abbey + surprise + Group Healing


Lucia N°03 light activation and/or shopping/free time and/or live streaming of DNA 1 class (for anyone taking this virtually)


Fireside Social Time

September 21st



Group Vortex Healing® & Integration

Closing Circle

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We will be staying at a lovely traditional British manor house, complete with a cozy ​fireplace, set in the beautiful countryside, only minutes from the sacred sites we will be ​visiting.

Cozy Group Healing/Fireside Room

Enchanted Fairy Garden

Cute Nooks

Cozy Dining Room

sleeping quarters

Private Room - Double Bed

We have 1 double bedroom available, a cozy yet private space.

Private RoomS - King Bed

There are several different private king bed rooms available. Book one for yourself or share with a partner/friend.

Shared RoomS

We have several shared rooms available as well, invite your friends. A few beds/prices available.

crop circles
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Sacred Sites Healing Tour - Avalon

Sept 16-21, 2024

What’s included:

  • Daily yoga
  • Breakfast
  • Transportation during the ​retreat
  • 9 Group Healings
  • 9 Sacred Site Visits ​(including all entrance fees)
  • Lucia N°03 Light ​Activations
  • Welcome dinner

Additional costs:

  • Transport to and from Glastonbury (we will help you arrange transport from London)
  • Lunch & Dinner (we will be eating out)
  • Your choice of room (shared and private options available)
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Will you Join us?

contact us for more information:

Adam: +447825041762


Allison: +13472905384


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® “VortexHealing” is a registered service mark of Ric Weinman. All rights reserved. Used here with permission.

For more information on VortexHealing visit www.vortexhealing.org.